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WELCOME TO NORTH PORTAL ESTATES - Letter from the President

Christopher Brown

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

The Civic League of North Portal Estates (CLNPE) is a neighborhood-oriented organization with the goal of maintaining and improving the public safety, quality of life and civic and social engagement within the North Portal Estates neighborhood of Washington, DC. The League is a non-profit organization, guided by its Constitution and consists of dues-paying members with elected Executive Officers.

The North Portal Estates neighborhood is the unknown jewel of Washington, DC. Located in the

northern most corner of Ward 4 (our geographic government unit) in the District of Columbia, it is exclusively a residential neighborhood bounded by North Portal Drive, East Beach Drive, and the Maryland-DC Boundary. It is also in proximity to Rock Creek Park, the oldest urban national park in the United States, which has tremendously impacted development. North Portal Estates sits between the Fenwick Branch and the Blair/Portal Tributary of the creek that carved and feeds the park. For more historical information, go to our History page.

In 1967, The Civic League of North Portal Estates was officially established. The Civic League has a rich history of community involvement and engagement. Over the years, it has provided scholarships to Washington, DC deserving students, provided Christmas baskets for the less fortunate, to getting stop and parking signs, traffic lights installed at 16th Street NW and Eastern Avenue NW, ensuring grass being cut, and trees trimmed. In recent years, the Civic League focused its attention again on the 16th Street Circle including new traffic light signaling, the two "raised crosswalks" on North Portal Drive, neighborhood streets being resurfaced and encouraged general maintenance to maintain the integrity, safety and beauty of the character and charm of this jewel we call home. For more historical information, go to CLNPE.

CLNPE Executive Officers and Chairs, 2021-2023

President: Michael L. Benjamin

Vice President: Charles T. Satterfield II

Secretary: Olive Franklin

Treasurer: Diane E. Baxter

Financial Secretary: Vacant

Sergeant-at-Arms: L. C. "Chris" Strudwick-Turner

Parliamentarian: Vacant

Committee Chairs

Infrastructure: Sharon Pugh

Environment: Charles Satterfield Jr.

Special Projects: Judie Ponds

Representative to the DC Federation of Civic Associations: Nathaniel Sims

Neighborhood Historian: Dr. Phylicia Fauntleroy Bowman

Prior to the COVID-19 era, the Civic League of North Portal Estatesheld its general meetings at Lowell School (1640 Kalmia Rd. NW), five times a year, to discuss the business of the Civic League, meet our neighbors, and enjoy guest speakers with pertinent and interesting information of interest to the residents. Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings this year are held virtually via Zoom.

The Civic League also organizes several neighborhood events throughout the year including an

annual summer picnic, a holiday party in December, neighborhood clean-up days, and other

community activities. The Civic League is always looking for new members and encourages families to join and/or volunteer to assist with events and meetings. The Civic League is a member of two District-wide organizations: DC Federation of Civic Associations and the Federation of Citizens Associations of the District of Columbia.

Meeting Dates 2021-2022

Membership Meeting Site: Until further notice, the membership meetings will be

conducted via ZOOM.

Meeting times and dates (the fourth Wednesday of the odd numbered month beginning in

September – no meetings during the summer):

September 22, 2021 - cancelled

October 27, 2021 - Special meeting

November 17, 2021 instead of November 24th (day before Thanksgiving)

January 26, 2022

March 23, 2022

May 25, 2022

Civic League membership dues are $30.00/person (has voting rights) and can be paid via PAYPAL:; a check to mailing address below; or drop off the check at Diane Baxter's lockbox at 1805 Tulip St. NW.

Contact Information

The League’s Website:;; 240/630-2054

Mailing Address: P O. Box 55792, Washington, DC 20011-9996

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, Delegate (non-voting member) to the U.S. House

of Representative, 202/225-8050

Mayor Muriel Bowser,, 202/727-2643

Ward 4 Councilmember Janeese Lewis George: 202/724-8052

Ward 4 Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner (4A01) Phyllis C. Green,

Ward 4 Member DC State Board of Education Frazier O’Leary,, 202/741-0888

District of Columbia Service Information and request: 311 or

Metropolitan Police Department, 4th District – non-emergency 202/715-7400, 6100 Georgia Ave. NW, Captain Franklin Porter, Patrol Services North, 202-715-7502 (office), 202-317-2050 (cell),

Ward 4 trash and garbage pick-up: Monday mornings

Emergency: 911

Revised: 3/1/2022


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