August 25, 2019
Dear North Portal Estates Neighbor,
The Civic League of North Portal Estates (CLNPE) exists to make our community one of the most desirable places to live in Washington, DC! It represents approximately 220 families in our neighborhood. The Civic League holds five public meetings annually and two social events annually. Our Civic League Board of Directors also has several Committees that work to continually improve our neighborhood.
Your Civic League dues support the betterment of the neighborhood — our lifestyle, our image, and our property values — and is beneficial to you as the homeowner. At only $30/year, you can’t beat it! Thanks to your dues and many volunteers, here’s what we accomplished during 2018-19 program year ending this June:
Annual picnic hosted by Pamela Lowe and Jerry Hunter
The “Spring Clean” project provided for household goods picked up by Wider Circle; DC Department of Public Works for bulk pick-ups; and a shredder truck for deposable papers. Leadership provided by Special Projects Chair Judi Ponds
Sponsored a forum for the community to meet and hear the four candidates vying for the Ward 4 State Board of Education seat to fill the vacancy of the remainder of the 2017-2020 term.
Holiday party hosted By Emma King with leadership from Aleen Sutton, Chair, Hospitality Committee.
Facilitated the completion of the asphalt sidewalks on the creek side of North Portal Drive as well as installation of curb cuts at the intersections of North Portal Drive, East Beach and Kalmia Rd. making the cuts ADA compliant. Effort led by Jim Edmonds, Chair, Infrastructure Committee.
Continued work on the North Portal History Project under the leadership of Dr. Phylicia Fauntleroy Bowman, Archivist
Maintained ongoing liaison with the Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Office and Councilmember Brandon Todd’s Office as well as District agency offices.
Sponsored numerous speakers at our regular membership meetings including Peter Newsham-Chief of Metropolitan Police Department (MPD); Kevin Donahue-Deputy Mayor, Public Safety & Justice; Gregory Dean-Fire and EMS Department Chief; Randy Griffin-4th District Police Commander; Garrett King, DC Office on Aging; and Christopher Dyer, Private Security Camera Incentive Program.
In addition, North Portal Estates community has many social activities that offer something for everyone! We always welcome your input.
Yours in service,
Michael L. Benjamin, President
Civic League of North Portal Estates